Sunday, July 4, 2010


sorry for the delay in posting. i thought i would wirte a little bit about work. we have a clinc building that is fairly well equiped but some of it is relatively old. mostly we see sick call 6 days a week. 90% of it is rouite complaints: snotty nose, back pan, rash on my foot, i cant sleep, i want to get out of work today. occasionally we see some real ilness or something wierd. i diagnosed mumps, i have seen 4 young men for swollen lymph nodes in various places that all are concerning enough for cancer to warrent a work up, and i placed my first cast.

i am currently evaluating a guy with an going liver issues that i havent figured out yet. i managed an acutely psychotic parnoid schizophrenic who was convinced all of his fellow national guard companions were out to get him. there was a man that came in and said for about 6 months he has felt like there has been sand in his eye. when we looked at his eye under slit lamp exam he had sutures that were still in his eye from a surgery about 13 months before. we took them out for him and guess what he felt a lot better. so there are some real cases as well. we see several heat casualties as you can imagine.

there are a few actual emergencies. there was a man who cut into his upper abdomen with a saw. he only cut the muscle and did not penetrate the chest or abdomen. lucky man. we keep busy at work.

this is my office and my patriotic wall:

this is the ward and some of our nurses

The OR

The ER

Ancillary servies: X -ray, lab, and pharmacy

Now i am not overwhelmingly busy but we can be busy at times. when i am toiling away and occupied with sick call here is how bryan the anesthesiologist spends his days. chose your rate chose your fate i guess.although we stay busy with the daily illnesses and accidents our main operational duty is to be here just in case for our deployed operational personnel. we have taken a few medevacs from ships and a few from other deployed personnel elsewhere in africa but nothing major. we all here and ready to do what we need to do just in case.


  1. It is amazing what you can accomplish with a creepy mustache....who knew??!!! I am proud of you.

    Keep up the good work and congrats on the promotion.

    Love you,
    Love Adrian
