Thursday, July 22, 2010


Well my time in Germany was a well needed respite from daily camp life. I was put up on the Landstuhl Army base at the local Air Force Inn where my room shared a bathroom with the patient's brother whom i had just escorted. it was not the nicest "hotel" i have ever stayed in but it sure beats a clu. I was able to get a rental car so i could explore the area some. i went out to find some nice German lunch and man was it good. Weisswurst, brezel and a bier.

On my way back to Landstuhl i found myself lost. i was driving around out in the German countryside and i really didn't care. i wasn't in Djibouti. At one point i just stopped the car and stood on the side of the road for a while. It was a gorgeous day and it was not 110 degrees outside with the stench of burning camel and goat carcass permeating everything.

Landstuhl is a quaint little town. It is probably the only German town that has two, not one, Irish pubs. I spent the night have a few beers watching the Germany Spain World Cup semifinal game. to bad for Germany.

The next day i tested my navigation skills again and drove to Heidelberg. There is an impressive ruin of a castle there. The Heidelberg schloss.

I wandered around the castle for awhile then i ran into a group of jayhawks. We talked about lawrence and basketball a little bit.

later that night i was able to find one of my favorite german meals. kasse spaetzel. it is awesome macaroni and cheese. i was able to enjoy several of my favorite beverages as well as i sat outside at a nice little table while the night closed in.

My last day i spent exploring the local castle there in Lanstuhl. it was much smaller but still cool to see.

I had my lunch up top the hillside next to the castle overlooking Landstuhl. then it was off to Franfurt to catch my plane.

BOO HOO. back to the stink and heat and filth. bye bye beir and sausage.


  1. Um, Okay - I'm ready to join the military... this sounds like a somewhat lovely little vacation - minus the stench of camel & goat smell... really bryan, take that sun for what it is and get your tan on!
    P.S. GOD BLESS THE KANSAS JAYHAWKS - they're everywhere and will let you know it!

  2. Hi Bryan!! Hope this finds you well. I've been meaning to write but have been crazy busy. Looks like you're really having it rough over there. Love, love, love the pictures!

    Stay well and save friend!
