Saturday, July 10, 2010


I was promoted to Commander on 01JUL10. For those not familiar with navy ranks, that is a lieutenant colonel in the army or an 0 - 5. i am only 2 away from becoming an admiral.

The CO came over to the clinic and we had a small ceremony right there in our ER despite my protests. i would have preferred to just sign on the dotted line.

The oath

The uniform change out

The signing

The drinking

Bryan and I

The beer i have been drinking is Tusker. It is a fine Kenyan lager that is refreshing and cool and easy to drink. its great for the heat of djibouti. there is more flavor compared to one of the american big 3 lagers. hints of caramel and biscuits with a slight palate of hops. overall it has a grainy bite to it.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the promotion Commander Spalding! Way to go. Enjoy that sun, you would be getting NO sunshine here in San Diego. Sadly, it's the sunless san diego summer!
