Sunday, October 24, 2010

The stunning conclusion to my european vaccation

Well, after Carmen went home, i spent my time mostly wandering the city and playing with my camera. Getting instant results with digital is nice and then add in post exposure manipulation on a computer and you can turn almost any nincompoop into a photographer.

I took roughly another 1000 pictures and most will end up deleted. there are a few nice ones though.
this is going to be my photo exhibition post.

i also took a day trip down to Pompeii. that was amazing. to think that this settlement has been preserved over the last 2000 years.

that is Mt Vesuvius in the background. i guess the divot is what blew off.

This counter, they believe, is like a fast food counter; walk up cafeteria style. there were a few of them scattered through the city.

these are not casts made of remains. these are actual people and a dog that were encased in lava. you can see the skull bone on the one image at the top.

This street marker points the direction to the nearest house of ill repute.

This illustration is part of the preserved menu at the house of ill repute.

they are doing some renovation in areas to show what it may have looked like back then.

one last photo of Pompeii.

And this is my last picture of Rome. sunset over St Peters.

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